How Long Does a Furnace Last?

Locally Owned & Operated – Over 30 Years of Experience

How Long Does a Furnace Last?

A furnace is an integral component of your HVAC system. To keep your home well heated, it is essential to look after the functionality of your furnace and be ready when it’s time for a furnace replacement. Being aware of the various We’re sharing a detailed guide on the lifespan of a furnace and the factors that affect it. 

Average Lifespan of a Furnace

While there is no simple answer to how long a furnace lasts, we can give you an average life expectancy. Most heating furnaces are expected to last somewhere between 15-20 years. However, this is only the case when a furnace is looked after and given the proper care and maintenance it requires. If maintenance is neglected, a furnace may not even last 10 years. 

Just like any other system, your furnace will also eventually require a replacement. When the age of your furnace is nearing 15 years, it is recommended to keep a careful eye on its running and be ready to start the replacement process. 

Signs Your Furnace Needs Replacing

You will realize your furnace needs replacing when you notice some of these warning signs:

  • The need for frequent repairs.
  • A rise in energy bills.
  • Having to adjust your thermostat more often.
  • Strange noises from the furnace.
  • The release of cold air from furance. 
  • A decrease in air quality.

Factors that Affect a Furnance’s Life Span

Lack of Maintenance

A routine maintenance schedule is essential to a furnace’s life expectancy. With regular check ups and repairs you won’t only extend your furnace’s life, but also increase its overall performance. It is recommended to make use of professional HVAC maintenance services every few months to ensure your furnace is running well and to fix any small issues that may occur. 

Extreme Thermostat Temperature

Setting your thermostat to extreme temperatures could end up causing potential damage to your furnace. Keeping your thermostat at an extremely low or high temperature could make the furnace run more frequently, causing wear. Experts recommend setting your thermostat temperature between 60 and 80 F. 

Incorrect Furnace Size

An incorrect furnace size could also seriously affect its life expectancy. A smaller furnace size will take longer to heat up the room, causing it to run longer. This could cause unwanted strain on the system. Similarly, a larger furnace size also has its problems. Heating up the room quickly and promptly turning off, only to turn on again will cause wear and tear of the furnace’s components.

Improper Installation

The manner in which a furnace is installed has a great impact on its overall performance. Poor ductwork can restrict airflow causing other problems in the system. That is why it is essential to use certified and professional services for the installation of your HVAC. 

How to Improve a Furnace’s Life Expectancy

There are several ways in which you can extend your furnace’s life expectancy. Regular maintenance and check ups can go a long way in making sure you furnace stays around longer. Here are some of the simple things you can do:

  • Hire a qualified HVAC professional to perform regular check ups. 
  • Clean and replace air filters when necessary. Build up in filters can cause restrict airflow and cause strain on the furnace.
  • Clean away any debris from the pump.
  • Make sure ductwork is sealed.
  • Keep your home properly insulated as this will make sure your furnace doesn’t have to work harder.

Need a Furnace Replacement?

Whether you need a brand new furnace or are looking to replace your existing one, Bowman Mechanical can ensure your issues are addressed as quickly as possible. Contact us at [phone] or fill out the form below.

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