January 4, 2021
January 4, 2021
A steady source of clean air into your furnace is necessary to keep it running smoothly, extending its lifespan, and heating your home, and your filter is key ensuring that flow of clean air. Because it’s hard at work filtering dust, dander, and all kinds of allergens, it needs to be changed, but how often should you change it? While there isn’t a set-in-stone answer, our furnace repair company in Garner is sharing some best practices as well as signs it’s time to replace the air filter in your furnace.
If you’re using a basic fiberglass filter in your furnace, a general guideline is to change it every 30 to 60 days. If you have a higher quality, pleated filter that’s four inches thick or more, the life span is extended to around every six months. Some filters even have a recommended lifespan of 12 months. However, what guidelines say and what your home needs may be two different things.
Every home has different factors that affect how quickly (or slowly) their furnace’s air filter gets dirty and needs to be changed.
It’s a good idea to check your filter once a month to see if it’s time to change it. Not sure what to look for? Consider these signs it’s time to change your filter:
Simply open the door panel (or slide it open). The filter should be near where the cold air enters the furnace, or in the cold air return duct or the entrance to the blower changer. Remove the old filter and slide in the new filter, making sure to point it in the correct direction with the air flow arrows pointing toward the blower and away from the cold air. Replace the door panel, and you’re set for at least a month.
If replacing the furnace doesn’t fix any of the problems you’re experiencing or you’re in need of more in-depth maintenance, we can help. Our experienced team works in South Raleigh, Garner, and the surrounding area, providing effective repairs that will restore cozy comfort to your home. Give us a call today at (919) 679-9756 or fill out the form below to learn more.